
The crazy life I now live in New Orleans, LA

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Location: New Orleans, LA

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

What it Means

A year ago today I was in tears, scared, and not sure what was going to happen. I know I sure as hell wasn't the only one. I didn't think that I was going to get to come home ever again. I know for a fact that I wasn't thinking that a year later I would be 2nd lining down Poydras street.

Yesterday started off on a rather odd foot. I headed to work as normal, when I was a block away, I could see alot of the people standing outside. As I got closer one of the guys in the shop said, "the power is out" It had been out since about 6:30 or so. There was apparentley a fire in one of the underground lines, it blow a man cover off, smoke was billowing. The power was out from our building all the way down to the river. So we were told. We hung out for awhile, then around 9 when it was made clear that the power wouldn't be on anytime soon, we were all sent home. As it turned out? It came back on about 9:30 AM. An unscheduled day off.

I headed home and chilled for a bit, then I went out to enjoy the city like Lisa suggested. I went down to the Quarter and ate a bit of lunch at Napoleon House. I then headed back down to the CBD area. I had been told by Sheik that is where the Treme Brass Band was meeting for the 2nd line. The 2nd line was to go from the Convention Center down to the Superdome. When I got there, I saw a ton of people that I hadn't seen in awhile including Uncle Lionel, Rob Espino, Bruce, Craig to mention a few. There were a small contigent of Arabi Wrecking Krewe'rs there as well....Brian got to play with the Treme. The parade was to start at 2, it was more like 3 or 3:30. Before we got started, the band would play a few songs and it was amusing to watch the reporters, photographers, and camera men flock to them like they were gods. I can not explain the feeling that overcame me when the band started playing "I'll Fly Away" as we danced down Poydras Street. I had chills. Not only was the band playing and several members singing, but the crowd following them was singing at the top of their (our lungs) There were people lining the streets cheering and dancing. I almost lost my group at one point. I got sidetracked by a certain anchor of CNN. Anderson Cooper. He was just hanging out behind the barricaded street, watching the parade with his dog. I snapped a few pics and shook his hand. By the time we reached the Super Dome we were all soaked in sweat. Not only was my ankle swollen, but the entire foot. It was worth it however. I don't know how the guys in the band did it. They didn't stop playing, and the water that I did have left only got as far as Craig and Rob at the end.

A few of us decided to head out to find a bar. Only requirements? AC, beer, water and food. We ended up at Mother's. Pretty much back at the beginning of where the parade had started. We had just gotten our food when General Honore walked in!! We then headed up to the Circle Bar. At this point I should mention we were still walking....we hung out there for a bit, then it was time to walk BACK to the NO Arena where we met up with Grace and Kristen. We took in the concert that Wynton Marsalis had organized featuring the following people (I know I am not going to remember everyone) George Porter Jr, Leo Nocentelli, Ivan Neville, Cyril Neville, Troy "Trombone Shorty" Andrews, Raymond Weber, John Boutte (that was just the first band!!) Dr. John (in a fantastic red suit and he even got up from the piano and danced his heart out) then out came the gospel groups Mary, Mary. Kim Burrell, Kirk Franklin. Wyton Marsalis played. Dr. Michael White was with that group. The to round out the evening Stevie Wonder. Stevie had Wyton, Kim and Kirk all out at one point or another.

By the time I made it home, it was after midnight. I was sore, hobbling and for the most part enjoying every minute of it. I do have pictures from the days events. However I was too tired last night to put them up. I just crashed. I will get those up sometime today.

Really, was a difference a year can make. Not in overall improvements in the city, but considering a year ago where I was emotionally? It is a huge improvement.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What an awesome way to celebrate the spirit of such a wonderful city!

8:47 AM  

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