
The crazy life I now live in New Orleans, LA

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Location: New Orleans, LA

Monday, July 23, 2007

The Potter Saga

Usually after you order something on Amazon, you get a notification that it has shipped. I never got that on Friday, so I bopped on over to find out the tracking number from their website. My order was gone. Missing...not listed in the history, not as shipped. Nothing....GONE. I tried contacting Amazon via email. I had gotten an email earlier in the week, saying my order was being prepared for shipment, so I had at least the order number. However the email system they used wasn't recognizing that as a order number. I finally got a hold of someone and yes my order exsisted, and yes it was on it's way. Via UPS. I was having none of that however. I had been avoiding the web, radio and TV as much as possible the closer it got, as I didn't want to hear any spoilers. That was so frickin hard to do. I called up Faulkner Books in the Quarter and reserved a copy. For the first time ever, I went to a Harry Potter release party. It was cute, it was fun and everyone was excited. It took place in Exchange Alley, which with a slight stretch of imagination, it could pass for Diagon Alley. I didn't officially start reading the book until 7:30 AM on Saturday. (of course I had to go out on Friday night....it wouldn't be a Friday night unless I went to the Maple Leaf, and this Friday is a whole story on it's own) I got home at about 4, but I really really wanted to start the book so I woke myself up early. I probably read about 4 pages before falling asleep for a bit...woke up again and tried again...to fall asleep again. I woke up at 10:30 AM and didn't put the book down again until I finished. At 10:00 PM (one advantage to being single and childless and having NO life whatsoever) The book was much more intense that I had anticipated. Overall I was satisfied with the series as a whole. I don't want to say much more because I know there are people who are still reading it, or who will start reading it soon. Oh and the order from Amazon? showed up at 4 PM Saturday...via USPS...not UPS. I have a friend who is getting that copy when she is done writing a grant. :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have no interest in this Harry Potter that you speak of, but I do find it very amusing that YOU have no life. Of all the people I know with no life, you have the most exciting "no life" of them all.

6:19 AM  

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