
The crazy life I now live in New Orleans, LA

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Location: New Orleans, LA

Monday, March 29, 2004

wow. back at work. I had my surgery on the 17th and things were insanely busy right before that. I flew to Denver on the 12th for my dad's 50th birthday. we had a big party for him on the 13th, and just hung out with old friends the whole weekend. It was great. On Saturday Morning we took some family portraits, which turned out okay, but not great. I flew back on Monday Morning and then spent that evening cleaning and scrubbing the apartment. Tuesday, was the craziness of trying to get everything done that I could, mom flew in and sat here at the office for a few hours. We then headed home at 5:00. First time I left work at 5:00 in probably forever. The rest of that evening was just trying to calm my nerves. We were up and at the hospital by 6:30 AM. Around 7ish, they took me back to this room, where they were prepping about 4 people all together for various eye surgeries. One girl was having a cornea transplant. The asked a ton of questions, put in lots of drops in my eyes, had me put on the lovely backless gown, but now they give you pj bottoms too. around 740 my anaesthsialogist came in the room and asked me a bunch of the same questions again, about the time he was getting ready to put in the IV, Dr. Nyguen came in and talked to me, I didn't even really feel the IV put in!! It was super fast. Next thing I now they are putting me on a bed and rolling me down the hallway. We entered the OR room and it was FREEZING. they gave me another warm blanket. At this point I had like 4 on. There was some classical music playing and they asked me if that was okay. I said, "you got any Harry Connick Jr?" and the anaesthsialogist bust out singing an old school Harry song. He got major points for that. Within 5 mins of being wheeled into the OR I was out. I swear I had just closed my eyes when they were waking me up in recovery. I was thirsty, my throat hurt from the breathing tube, my eye/head was aching like there was no tomorrow. I don't know how long I was in recovery because I kept nodding off. when they brought my mom in, as they were wheeling me to my room, I broke down in tears. the ride to the room made me very nauseous, but luckily I never did puke. I got a dose of some morphin and then made the first of endless painful trips to the bathroom. The fluids they had me on just filled my bladder. My mom was spoon feeding me because I was told to lay flat on my back, she stayed in the room all night with me. I couldn't have asked for a better mother really. The next morning after a fitful sleep, I was awaken every hour for vital checks, we got up at 4:30 AM, the bandage was taken off my eye and the nurse had to peel my eye open to put drops in. We went to see Dr. Nyguen who was giving a talk later that morning so my appointment was at 6:45. He gave me more drops, told me to stay on bed rest for a week, I could sit up to eat, shower, and go to the bathroom. A week of this. OMG. It was aweful. I did have mom there for company until Friday. Lisa flew in on Saturday and took care of me until Wed, when I went back to the Dr. He took me off bed rest and said that everything was healing nicely. I go back on the 15th and if the left eye has healed enough, he will laser the right eye to strengthen the weak spots so I won't have to have surgery on that eye. Now if I can just stop rubbing it in my sleep!!!

I can't believe the care I got from my Dr, he was just awesome, everyone at Swedish was. I had no problem just putting my, well life in his hands. And of course to have my mom and sister there for me....just can't describe/express how wonderful that was. Dad was pretty upset and wanted to be here for me as well, but really there was no need for him to be here. He just would have gone nutso the days I was on bedrest.


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