
The crazy life I now live in New Orleans, LA

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Location: New Orleans, LA

Monday, April 25, 2005

Sunburned and Happy

My big weekend plans had been to see Bonerama on Friday night, Leroy Jones at Donna's on Saturday. Some grocery shopping and laundry. Quiet. What did I say last weekend??? Never ever plan. I will get this down soon. Really I will.
As soon as the the bell chimed at 5:00, I yelled "Ya-badabado" and ran out the door. As soon as I got home I collapsed, for a whole 30 mins. The house was stifling hot...it was obvious that no one had been home all day. Turns out Liz had been out partying with Joan Jett the night before (not kidding) and here I had thought my sighting of Billy Idol was cool NOT!
I got to Maple Leaf around 9:30, as the Bones were gonna start at 10. Mark was there already, which was a total shocker for me. He is never that early, he is usually the last one there. I said a quick hello and then went to hang out...Phil and Donna showed up soon with new T-shirts, they are all black, the front side in white writing it says "Got Bone?" and on the back there is a purplish, pinkish, orangish, bone with Bonerama writing in the inside with the web address. I helped them find a spot to set up, and string some of the new necklaces and we chatted about what I had been doing for the guys. Phil mentioned that they were handing out beer koozies, one side says Bone Home, with the web address and the other says Porter's House and George Porter Jr.'s web address. They are free, all the people have to do to get one is sign up for the band's mailing list. He asked if I wanted to help out....I said sure...what the heck. We kind of left it at that. The Bonerama set was WAY WAY WAY to short.....but it was really killer. The place was packed to the rim, which is always nice to see. But it was hot. And I don't think I could have gotten squished up to the sound equiptment anymore. I helped Phil and Donna pack up and fight our way to the front door. After that, I decided NOT to go back in. It was crazy. PGF set was sold out and there were a ton of people milling around outside hoping to get in. I stood out there talking to Craig, Bert and Matt for awhile. Craig introduced me to a really fun guy named Eric (HA) who used to play sax with the Nightcrawlers. He had some funny stories to share. Matt and I chatted for a long time about the theater scene here in town and how he had some "ins" for me. Rock on. I decided soon after to take off and get some sleep. So 1:00 AM and I was in bed. Not bad.
Saturday rolls around and I gave Phil a call, saying if you still want my help, I am here. He called back and said "Yes please" They came and picked me up around 11ish...and away we went to the fairgrounds . I thought at first this was going to be hard, but it really wasn't. People hear the word "Free" and they go BONKERS. They also responded to either "Bonerama" or "George Porter Jr". We stayed out front for about 2 hours....gave away 300 koozies, then headed inside. Got some food, some beer and settled in at the Acura stage for a bit. Soon we headed over to the Sprint Stage and rocked out at the Meters reunion. That was freakin cool. All too soon that was over, and we headed out...we went to Port O Call for some tasty burgers (I am sorry Lisa...I am not doing this on purpose!!!!!) by that time...it was time to go to Donna's. Katja gave me a hard time about having only one beer and leaving after the second set. But I was literally starting to doze off. Paul was very funny, he came in and was saying hi to Katja, and he looked over and said "STACEY" and gave me a huge hug and kiss on the cheek. "OMG you remembered???" "Of course" HA. Total shock. So I took off early from there and was in bed at 1:30 AM. Yesterday we did it all over again....except we saw....um...oh some of Dr. John's set, Wild Magnolias, and Ingrid Lucia. Then dinner was at Cafe Degass. OMG it was yummy. Even though I had been craving Crawfish Bread.....I am pink, pink, and more pink, and can't wait for next weekend. Donna is already talking about next year. Tonight is Mo Fest, a trombone summit is at 7, and Bonerama at 8. Tomorrow night...I sleep. (I think)


Anonymous Anonymous said...



4 more months!

If I lived there I would easily weigh 300 lbs.

3:54 PM  

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