
The crazy life I now live in New Orleans, LA

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Location: New Orleans, LA

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Wet and Happy

Yes I realize how nasty that sounds. But dang thats what happened last night.

I just considered leaving my post at that. Let some of your sick and twisted minds weave your own stories. Cuz I know its WAY better than what really happened. Kinda.

I left work at 5, proudly wearing my "Got Bone" t-shirt. The looks that it attracted were quite amusing. I walked into TI, and Eric was busy helping some folks. (I haven't seen him since Thursday) When he did see me, I got a "Hi Sweetheart" then he took a look at the shirt and said "I have to have one of those shirts...take yours off right now!!" ummm Okay? ;) I told him tough luck. He made me my first drink (vanilla vodka and coke) and then had me move down to the other end of the bar, away from the door so he could smoke, and talk to me. Later he had me move down to the other end again, because one of his friends came in. We chatted a bit...and he made the drinks very strong "the way I like them" I had to have him put a bit more coke in the 3rd drink. Yes the 3rd drink. Lush speaking here. ;) He only charged me for 1 drink as well. The drinks helped when I went out to the trombone summit. It was raining. After a while I didn't really care. It would rain a bit, then stop, then rain again. I talked to Roger and Elise briefly, Roger being the gentleman held my purse as I took some pics. Too bad I think they are going to turn out to dark. 11 trombones onstage was a total musical orgasm. All those bones...of course it was nice. ;) Bonerama was awesome...Mark had some funny speaking moments, but its Mark...something about beach boys when it should have been Beethovan. Anyway. After the gig (Phil handed out necklaces and that was it) Craig told us to come around and get out of the rain. Matt and Craig want to have a float next year at MG. I made them promise to let me ride if it happens. We all took off and I went and saw Eric again....we shared some food....and chatted again. *sigh*


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought I had accidently opened a porn site when I read the title of that post..

10:59 AM  
Blogger boneramafreak said...

of course you would think that. your my gutter sista!

11:13 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That would make a good title for a new bone song.....gutter sistahs!

2:06 PM  

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