
The crazy life I now live in New Orleans, LA

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Location: New Orleans, LA

Thursday, May 12, 2005

Random Chatter and a Dream

I am so tired of being tired and fighting allergies. It really sucks ass. But luckily my roomie Liz gave me her last 2 aleverts...I took one this morning and I feel for the first time all week, normal. Well as normal as I can get. HA! The downside to this is...there is only one left. Which means...that after tomorrow its back to the generic allergy medicine from Wal-Greens that makes me sleepy. Good times. Yes the one and only bad thing about being here in NOLA is that my allergies are worse. But I will deal. Its a small thing to deal with when you love this city so much. Oh I suppose I could go and get more Alevert, but am not sure if you need a prescription, and if you don't I would spend an arm and a leg on it I am sure.

Because of the said cheap drugs, and after the "fun" day at work I didn't have energy to even read last night. I hate that. I just sat there and stared at the TV. I don't think I really knew what I was watching. Until I switched to TBS and watched the final eppies of SATC. Bawled like a baby again. I knew what was gonna happen, but still. I finally drifted off to actual sleep around 11, while I was sleepy, I couldn't actually sleep. Luckily it wasn't full blown insomnia. I ended up having random dreams, one thanks to Lisa's entry yesterday...I dreamt that it all happened to me. Yes I dreamt that my teeth were getting filed down, and I even dreamt of the shots. Gee thanks Lisa. ;) I woke up around 1:30 made a trip to the restroom and then fell right back asleep for another interesting dream. This time I was handing out koozies. Yes I dreamt of handing out Bonerama/George Porter Jr. koozies. I was back at Jazz Fest, and for some reason the street people were walking down was a hallway. I was busy signing people up on the mailing list, and someone asks "Isn't Bonerama playing today?" All of a sudden we were standing behind the stage, and I said "Yes, right now" as the guys took the stage. I remember being torn, to stay there and have the people surrounding me sign up, or to go and watch the guys play. You would have thought the koozies were made of gold because so many people wanted them. I decided to stay and get as many as I could, and I could hear "Shake Your Ruglator" starting. I turned around and there were several people climbing up on the stage to sit on the side and watch. Finally all the people were done signing up, and I ran up to the front of the stage. I hear an announcer say, "we are taking a 30 minute set break, we will be right back with Bonerama." Well I thought it was just odd because "Shake Your Ruglator" was just ending. One song and a break? Whats up with that?? When Craig left the stage, I asked him that, and he said "We have been playing that song for an hour and half, waiting for you to come up front" Oops. Thats all I remember. Can you imagine hearing that song for an hour and half straight?? Crazy.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

1. Odd about your allergies. Mine are so bad up here but non-existant in NOLA.

2. Be glad it was only a dream!!!!

3. An hour and a half of "Shake Your Rugalator"? Man, I would be exhausted!

8:35 AM  

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