
The crazy life I now live in New Orleans, LA

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Location: New Orleans, LA

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Still in Recovery mode

Friday night Kristen and I made the trek out to Lafayette, LA to catch Bonerama at 307 Club. They had played this club over Jazz Fest, and I really liked it there. We set up the merch right next to the stage and really got to view the audience. There were some crazy ass people there, just having a grand ole time. The one person you will find at a Bonerama show is the guy playing air trombone. He was right up in front of the stage, playing along as it were. The guys had some special guests from the Lafayette music scene sit in with them for a few tunes. We got home about 4:30 AM or so. Our other roomie's boyfriend rang the doorbell at 7:30 AM to help her load up all her stuff for another craft show. I was unfortunetly able to really go back to sleep after that. The rest of the day was cleaning, watching a movie and eating. (Which the place we ate at deserves its own post) Pretty soon it was time to get moving and out to the Maple Leaf for the Bonerama gig there. We tend to get there soon after the first band starts so I can make sure to have my spot in front of the sound booth. This proved to be a good move on Saturday as there was a wedding party there, and the place was PACKED! By the time the bones hit the stage? There were even more people there. I have not seen it that packed since Jazz Fest time. Not only was it the wedding party people, but the other "normal" people as well. A couple of the guys from Harry's Big Band showed up (Jimmy Greene and Joe Barati) Joe sat in on the second set. Kelly Mullins, her sister, and Grace all showed up as well. You know its going to be a good time then! The guys were on FIRE that night...it was nice. When seeing them as much as I do, you hear great nights, some not so great nights and then some "OH WOW where has this sound bee" nights. I personally thought it was that kind of night. Another late night that night. Sunday was spent trying to get some rest...not much was had again. I tried not to think about not being able to go to the Harry Connick Jr. show (he was playing at a convention here in town) it didn't work very well when I was at home, so I went over to my friend Katja's house for a lovely large dinner, wine and some conversation. We headed on over to Donna's after dinner and several more of the guys from the big band stopped by and sat in. (Jerry Weldon, Ned Goold, Neal Caine, Mark Braud and Joe "Mags") John Boutte also stopped by and graced the crowd with a song. The rest of the time he just hung out and caused havoc. It was a great time. One of the guys (can't remember who) said they were all sounding better than they had earlier in the night. I hadn't been to Donna's in awhile so it was nice to hang out there again.

Yesterday? I wasn't able to come in to work. No it wasn't because I was hung over it was the fact that all weekend long I had a total of 13 hours of sleep. From Friday to Monday. My body is still trying to get over this cold that keeps hanging about. It wasn't pleased with the lack of sleep. Yesterday and today I have felt as though I am right back where I was at the beginning of my cold. Oh well. Thankfully there isn't much planned for this weekend. Just watching the boys on Comedy Relief!!


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