
The crazy life I now live in New Orleans, LA

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Location: New Orleans, LA

Monday, March 12, 2007

Shoulda Coulda Woulda

As I stated before, this past week was a busy one. It seemed I was on the go doing something every evening after work. I decided to continue that through the weekend. We had a lovely dinner at Mona Lisa out on Royal street with some great friends. The portions of the food served there are enormous. Enough for at least 3 substantial meals. After dinner, even though I was fading fast we headed on out the the Maple Leaf. Troy "Trombone Shorty" Andrews was playing and it was the first time I had seen him play there (with his own band) It was a fantastic show that had people 2nd lining through the Leaf. Apparently he was the first band to do that in a looooooong time (if at all). I was glad I was able to get my 102nd wind and catch the whole set.

Saturday I headed out the Quarter to meet up with Lisa and some of her krewe. It was one of the most perfect days weather wise. We wandered all through the Quarter and just soaked up the atmosphere. I then ran home to catch a 20 min cat nap before I started rushing around the house to get ready to head on out to Matt Perrine's CD release party for "Sunflower City" Let me tell you how wonderful that night was. So many people I knew, to celebrate something that is just AMAZING. I am so happy for Matt, the cd he put together is a faboulus tribute to the city and her inhabitants. He had played for me a few tunes here and there, but hearing it live? oh man...it was amazing and I am glad I got to be a part of it. After the CD party broke up, a few of us headed over to Megan and Andy's for a party there. Then it was home to bed for me while the die-hards went out to Frenchmen street.

Yesterday I finally caught up a week's worth of tivo and worked on my sister's blanket. I was so exhausted (the time change did not of course help) that I didn't go out to Rock-n-Bowl like I wanted to. I really really really wanted to but the thought of getting ready to go out just tired me. So I didn't go. I then ended up waking up almost every hour and that was even with some tylenol pm in my system. So I should have gone to Rock-n-Bowl....I am tired anyway.


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