
The crazy life I now live in New Orleans, LA

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Location: New Orleans, LA

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Well Hell

So our neighbors put in an offer yesterday. Within an hour our landlord had turned it down. He thinks he can get the asking price. Which maybe he can, however the reason they went low on it was the previous lead issues we had. When they asked him about it, he totally downplayed it, saying something like the kid and dog drug it in. Well, yes that is true, the dog actually died and the State told the people living downstairs that if they stayed at the house one more night, the State would be taking their son from them. It IS/WAS a big deal. Apparently the final reports haven't come back in yet. Makes me wonder if the house should even be on the market at this point, and how some unsuspecting soul will not know about the lead issues. Also makes me wonder if our landlord was even remotely honest about our lease being safe.

On a totally random side note, how is that it has been raining cats and dogs, yet my allergies are flaring up to no end? I am achy, sore throat, head achy, eyes itching, worn out feeling, sneezing. I thought with the rain it would curb some of the pollutants. *sigh*


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, hopefully anyone seriously interested in the house will have it inspected. YOu should see if you can get a copy of the disclosure statement. Maybe the neighbors that are interested in it have a copy so you can see if they mention the lead problem. Sucks that the owners son is the realtor...

*sidenote- OMG there is a woman in a car outside my office with a mullet! Where is my camera when I need it?!*

8:04 AM  

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