
The crazy life I now live in New Orleans, LA

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Location: New Orleans, LA

Thursday, July 26, 2007

What's Happenin'

So the low down, nitty-gritty, the 411 on the week thus far. The plumber showed up on Tuesday afternoon and discovered that our gas had been turned off. This was interesting for several reasons. The first being that Entergy had said everything was fine on their end, and that our service was fine. Second, how did someone get it turned off? The meter is located in the basement, and you can't turn it off unless you are in the basement. You can read it from the outside, just not do anything. So how did someone get in to turn it off?? The plumber turned it on and went on his merry way. We have hot water! We can dry clothes! We can cook!!

On my way home on Tuesday to meet with the plumber there was an odd site in front of the house. My car (remember the car saga??) was gone. Yes, gone. Either the city towed it thinking it was an abandoned car or someone stole it. If they stole it then have fun. It didn't run anyway.

There was another incident yesterday morning that will go unsaid, but I was freaked out for most of the morning. There are some issues at my employment that are not making me happy. You know the good stuff that life throws at you. And it's all okay. Shit happens, you deal and you move on.

As for the mystery on the gas....it turns out Entergy did turn it off. They were replacing the meter and forgot to turn it back on. Still doesn't explain how they got in the basement to make the changes.


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