
The crazy life I now live in New Orleans, LA

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Location: New Orleans, LA

Wednesday, March 31, 2004

I have some really great friends and co-workers. Really. So here I was stuck in my apartment for a week and a half. First, I started getting get well cards from the connick.com-mers. Some filled the cards with pics of Neal Caine to "help me feel better" too funny. Then I got a gorgeous HUGE bouqet of flowers from the T-Mobile team, this was probably sent to me last Tuesday. Then last Wed, a get well dinner was sent over from my other team, Matt's team. A full Italian meal complete with yummy desserts. It was the day Lisa left so Stephen, my room mate got to eat some of it too. And still the cards kept coming...then today...I got a package here at work....from Lisa and Mike!! It was a wonderful package just filled with NOLA goodies!!! I love it and can't wait to dive into it.

It also helped that all last weekend Kristy was calling me with updates on her New York trip, filled me in on all the gossip, and of course let me listen to parts of the Bonerama shows....I would have given anything to have been there, but it just wasn't possible. Bone calls does a body good.

Lisa did say screw getting a Uhaul to help me move. She said that I should just rent the small pull trailer and she would send Scott up this summer to help me move!! That may just help me get down there a tad faster. She said that she would meet Scott and I down in NOLA when we got there. Oh the trouble we three could cause!!! YAY. I need to get a second job now.


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