
The crazy life I now live in New Orleans, LA

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Location: New Orleans, LA

Monday, June 27, 2005

Its a Monday

All I want is for it to be Friday already...into a nice long weekend. I don't have any big plans yet for the 4th, I think I am denial that the summer seems to be flying by. As for this past weekend....on Friday night, we all went out for drinks after work. A lot of the people left around 4, which was cool, because there were a few people finishing up work, and would probably be here until 5. So they would be able to give me a ride to where we were gathering. However...5 rolled around and everyone was gone. So I wasn't at all pleased. I ended up walking to where where we were meeting out on Frenchmens street. It took about a 1/2 hour, and well hell, I needed the excersise right? Lots of drinks (free) were consumed, and the night was winding down around 9ish/930ish. I decide to go down and hang out with my roomie who was bartending. As I am strolling down Decatur (where her bar is located) I saw this suspicious looking character hanging out on the street corner....okay it was just Lucien. ;) I stopped and chatted with him for a bit, he was really tired having just flown back from Canada that morning, where he had played with Harry the night before. He said "Come say hi to Mark" So I went inside and talked to Mark for a few....it turns out Carmen had worked the day shift so I had missed her...but I did get to hear some cool music...what I remember of it anyway. Saturday came....and I hung out around the house for awhile...then Adam, Carrie and I decided to go and wander around in the Quarter. It was a fun afternoon.....we even tried our luck at Harrah's....they were lucky, I was not. We ran into Pam the owner of Tropical Isle on the way back to the car, I really need to go back there and hang out some. Yesterday I just read and watched TV.....then right before I went to bed...I found out something that wasn't cool, made me very mad, stressed me out...and am trying to figure out what to do about it. So I am tired from lack of sleep and a little PO'd.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like a fun weekend....just the wandering around the Quarter part sounds fab. I cant wait!

Good luck with your other issue...hope it all works out.

8:40 AM  

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