
The crazy life I now live in New Orleans, LA

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Location: New Orleans, LA

Friday, June 17, 2005

Friday Fun
A few random tidbits for a Friday morning. (I almost wrote Monday morning. How pathetically sad is that??)

  • my cat is weird. I have this clearish storage bin that I use to take my clothes downstairs to be laundered and then to bring back up. Usually I leave it downstairs by the washer and dryer. Last Sunday I didn't feel like taking it back downstairs. It is now Liza's personal bedroom. She will come tearing into the room at full speed, leap into the box, often with the force of a missle that sends the box tipping over. Last night she found a new toy. Heather also has a cat (bringing the total of cats in the house to 4 right now) and its one of her toys. Liza brought the metallic mouse into "her room" which was around 10:30 last night as I was trying to sleep. Later I woke up to her and Roodie fighting in the box. This morning she decided to wake me up by literally kneading my scalp with full on claws out, and grabbing my hair in her mouth and PULLING. She is lucky she didn't go flying. Apparently she also thinks she is a daredevil of sorts. Roodie was asleep in one of the cabinets in the library yesterday, above where Carmen was working at her computer. Liza knew he was up there, and wanted to harass him. Carmen tells me that the door (which are glass-less) was partly propped open, and Liza took a jump. She ended up hanging from the door with her front paws, as the door swung open more. I would have died laughing had I seen it. I am glad that Carmen was there and able to help her, so she didn't end up hurting herself.
  • My left arm is twitching. It seems to have stopped a bit now...but earlier, the upper part of my arm, from my elbow to my shoulder was doing some sort of dance. It was weird. I couldn't get it to stop. It would have made sense if I had done some heavy lifting or something....but I haven't.
  • For the biggest loser contest at work....everyone decided to break up into teams. So I have 5 teammates. 3 are already super skinny and are looking to lose 5 lbs. Actually one wants to lose 10. the other two want to try to lose 15 like me. Allison and I shouldn't be on the same team. We both like our beer. In fact...she is in Key West today....sitting on the beach. Drinking beer.
  • My parents are seeing Bonerama tomorrow. I am nervous as to what will be said. The guys are under strict instructions, "don't say anything bad about me" of course Matt and Steve both said "Like we could ever say anything bad about you" Mark just got that evil look on his face. Maybe I shouldn't have said anything to him at all. I have also told my mom not to say anything embarrassing about me. So fingers are crossed. They can't go to the Boulder show as Dad flies in tonight from Atlanta and won't get to the house till about the time they guys start.....


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