
The crazy life I now live in New Orleans, LA

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Location: New Orleans, LA

Thursday, June 23, 2005


So I had a good morning. It all started when I stepped on the scale. I was a little worried, as well, I have been eating much much better, no beer has been consumed in a week, and I have had only 2 sodas. Usually its one a day in the soda department. However the grand plan to go walking....either first thing in the morning or in the evening just hasn't happened. I have managed to lose 2 lbs though. WHOO HOO. Its a step in the right direction, now just imagine if I actually started my walking!!

I also decided this morning, that well I need to get out more. I know some of you are thinking...WHAT?? no you don't. Well...I always just tend to go out on the weekends...and to the same places. Not that that is a bad thing at all, I enjoy those places. But this whole "woe is me gonna be alone forever" attitude isn't going to change if I don't get out more, and meet some more people. Sitting at home and reading isn't helping. So tonight, I am going out. I don't know where, or with who, or any of those things...I am just going.


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