
The crazy life I now live in New Orleans, LA

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Location: New Orleans, LA

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Heat, Heat and more Heat

That is one of the many reasons I love this town. The sticky, humid, take your breath away heat. Dry heat sucks ass. Cold weather sucks ass. The weather here....now I thrive on that. It can however have some drawbacks. Not many...but some. And some people may never experience them....but oh did I ever yesterday. My way home yesterday sucked. Not only was the sun royally hurting my dilated eyes...but it was hot. And waiting for the bus by One Shell Square, where the building and sidewalk are white....literally white and the refection of the sun blinds you anyway, well it was a lot worse...luckily I had to wait only about 5 mins for the bus to pull up. It was a fairly full bus, but I found a spot all the way in the back. Now earlier in the day, on my way to the eye doctors, I had to walk part way. The storm the night before had some affect on the streetcar line, and it wasn't running. The bus that was running instead, was taking its sweet ass time. I walked from Lee Circle all the way, to well about 3 blocks maybe 4 from Touro. Its not that its a terribly long walk, its just had I known that the bus was going to take forever, I would have left earlier, and would not have had to walk so fast. And get so sweaty. So here I am at the end of the day, at the back of the bus on the way home. And I start to realize there is a funky stench. Of course, I am thinking...do I smell that bad? Can everyone smell that? Sweet jesus it seems to be getting worse. Then I realize, its not me. Its the man slightly ahead of me. Who has taken his shoes OFF!!!! Now obviously this guy does some sort of manual labor...wearing dark blue pants, and a dark blue shirt. He has most likely just gotten off work, and is trying to cool down. He has the shirt unbuttoned all the way, and I guess the next step after that was to take the shoes off to try to cool off some more. Dude, next time keep the shoes on, you almost killed me. As soon as he got off the bus, the air cleared....and I could breath again. Thank god it wasn't me.


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