
The crazy life I now live in New Orleans, LA

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Location: New Orleans, LA

Thursday, June 30, 2005

An Eye Education

So I did a bit of research....most of the stuff I already knew from when I had surgery over a year ago...Here is some fun filled facts for those who are are interested:

Retinal detachment occurs when a part of one of the layers of the retina is pulled out of place, or when a hole or tear occurs. Although a detached retina is not painful, it is definitely a medical emergency. If the retina is not reattached to its source of nutrients promptly, the cells die and blindness can result. Risk factors for the condition include nearsightedness, previous eye surgery or injury, and inherited thinness of retinal tissue.

retina-The inner layer at the back of the eye, where light-sensitive rods and cones are located. Chemical changes in the retina transmit electrical signals through the optic nerve to the brain to produce sight.
retinal detachment-Separation of the light-sensitive retina from the back of the eye, which may cause vision loss. Laser surgery is required as soon as possible after detachment is detected to secure the retina to the inner eye.

Treatment for Vision:
Resting your eyes when they are overworked is the first line of defense against vision problems. Eye exercises and a well-balanced, nutritious diet will help your eyes remain healthy and your vision sharp.
Maintenance of your healthy eyesight depends on getting sufficient vitamin A, which plays a key role in the eye's ability to adjust to different degrees of light. To help prevent or postpone vision disorders, you should cut your consumption of refined sugar. If you smoke, stop. Do everything possible to stay away from tobacco smoke, exhaust fumes, and other kinds of polluted air. Finally, do not let yourself get overtired. When your body is rested, your circulation improves and your eyes get the supply of oxygenated blood they need.
Eye Exercises to Relieve Eyestrain
When using a computer or doing concentrated activity such as sewing or reading, rest your eyes for five minutes at 30-minute intervals. Look away from your work, close your eyes, or simply stare off into space.
Blink regularly. This action helps prevent evaporation of the tear film that protects the cornea. Blinking also breaks the continuous focus when you have been reading or looking at a computer screen, increasing the amount of concentrated activity you can perform.
If you are driving for long stretches, alternately focus on the dashboard and a faraway object. Changing the focus periodically will relax your eye muscles and prevent eyestrain.
Palm your eyes. Sit comfortably, breathe deeply and cover your eyes with the palms of your hands.
Breathe deeply for several minutes. Roll your head around with a circular motion while stretching your neck and shoulders, then turn your head from side to side and up and down, repeating several times.
While yawning, stretch and maneuver the muscles of your face to relieve tension.

So it looks like I am going to go and get some vitamin A, quit smoking, and resting a bit more. A good website, that tells a bit about the surgery I had..I have the secular (sp) buckle


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