
The crazy life I now live in New Orleans, LA

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Location: New Orleans, LA

Friday, July 29, 2005

She's a Maniac..Maniac...

So I really need to get an updated pic of Lil Liza Jane. This one was taken about two weeks after I got her. She is almost a year old, and soon...she will have been in my life for a year. If she lasts that long. Remember the saga of the birds and the apple trees? Well most of the apples are gone. The parrots have been munching on them all month. However, latetly there have been little finches in the tree, while not as noisy as the parrots, they still are eating my apples. And driving Liza INSANE. See, she is an indoor kitty. That is for several reasons, fleas are abuntant outside, the street to the park is busy, she is a mostly black cat, in a city known for Voodoo. Enough said. I will let her out on the balcony from time to time, but thats about it. She loves to look out the window in my room. My bed is right under one of the windows, and she will sit there and stare outside. The finches have been eating the apples that are right next to the window. This makes for a pleasant wake up in the morning. As Liza tries to attack them... I swear one morning she tried to jump through the glass. Most days she will sit up one her hind legs and scratch at the windows with her front paws. And meows. And bats her tail around, which usually hits me in the head at mach 500. Or so it feels. Last night as I was reading....she was doing the same routine, however it was dusk...the birds are usually done eating by then. I look out the window and perched on an apple staring at me is a little mouse. With a really really long tail. I mean the tail had to be 2 times the length of the mouse. I am now very anxious for the apples to be gone off the tree. So my cat doesn't kill herself trying to get out there.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Awwwww, arent kitties fun! Multiply what Liza does by 3....my cats are making me insane!!!

They sit in the windows and watch the birds too. VooDoo is the only one who meows at them. Gumbo tries to get out thru the glass to get them. We findit amusing when she comes running at the door doing about 25 mph and crashes right into it! LOL!

8:48 AM  

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