
The crazy life I now live in New Orleans, LA

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Location: New Orleans, LA

Monday, January 30, 2006


I have been temping for a company since beginning of Nov. My main job is to answer the phones. The phones don't ring a whole heck of a lot. Maybe 5 times in a half hour. Give or take. They started having me do some extra things, which when I am given those extra things to do, I get them done. It never takes me that long. Like right now? I am caught up on everything. With nothing to do. Not even any busy work. Its all done. Even that kind of stuff you put off doing because you just don't want to do it? Done. So today, as the guy I share the office with was moving back to another space he tells me that the manager was complaining to one of the other guys here (the guy right below him) that I never seem to be doing anything other than emailing or playing solitare. Well what would he like me to do when I really and truely don't have anything else to do? Seriously. Sit here and look at the walls? Would he rather it look like I am doing something productive so when the customers walk in, they think I am working??? Or does he want me to sit here with my fingers up my nose? They all keep saying they are going to give me more work to do, yet I haven't seen any of this extra work. And when I ask about it...they say it will be coming. But nothing. I enjoy the hours, the hours are nice....but that isn't worth it is it? I need to be kept busy....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe its time to start putting out some feelers for some other more permanent jobs........start checking the classifieds and such again..see if anything else is out there....

12:58 PM  
Blogger boneramafreak said...

i have kinda started looking around again...sent out a resume this morning....

1:39 PM  

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