
The crazy life I now live in New Orleans, LA

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Location: New Orleans, LA

Thursday, February 02, 2006

She said a LITTLE rain.

This will be a slightly long and scattered post, I kinda apologize for that. Only kinda because that is the state I am in right now....scattered.

  • I need to thank Lisa, Jay, and Marisa for attempting to save my sanity yesterday. Work put up a firewall to almost all internet sites. I can get to my email and to blogs right now and that is it. Which okay, I can understand. However as I have stated before....they aren't giving me work to do. Yesterday I got maybe a total of an one hour work, spread through out the day. I would work on it as soon as they gave it to me, the longest item taking maybe 20 minutes. Then I just sit here. They don't want me on the internet that much, obviously, no games, I can't read a book. So I sit here. I can't even get wwoz.org to listen to the radio!!! A radio station!! And Thursdays are my favorite day on 'oz. I mentioned to the Manager yesterday, "you HAVE to give me more to do." He said he was working on it, and that he moves slowly but to bear with him. I have been here for an hour and a half already. I have done the 2 things given to me this morning, read my emails, sent a few, and now I sit. Well not techinically, since I am here posting. But after I am done with this?? Its going to be a long day. What will make it even longer is the following:
  • Last night one of my housemates was online looking at tomorrow's (today's) weather, and she said it was going to be 71 with a few thunder showers. Cool...take an umbrella with me in the morning, got it. I settled into bed around 10 and woke up at midnight, I had fallen asleep with the TV still on. I switched it off and curled back up. At around 2:00 AM I woke up for seemingly no reason. I saw a few flashes of lighting, and vaguely remember thinking, here comes the rain. I checked the time off my cell phone and it was 2:15, I closed my eyes and dozed off again. I was woken up again by clap after clap of thunder. The lighting was almost like, I was Jessica Simpson macking out with some new guy. It was paparazzi city. The lighting didn't stop, the thunder didn't stop rumbling, the wind was howling, rain pouring down in sheets. My curtains were blowing out a bit from the windows. I have plastic storm windows and they were buldging out. I got up to use the restroom and thought that the rain sounded louder as I walked to the living room. That was because our french doors had flung open, the inside soaked. All the furniture and everything else out on the balcony was pushed to one side. Liza decided that if I was up that it must be time to eat, so she followed me around meowing for food. I was trying to get her to be quiet so she wouldn't wake my housemates. Yeah like the storm didn't?? She got extra food. I finally fell asleep around 3:45 again as the storm finally moved away from our area. It was incredible. I felt sorry for people living in tents still, the people in FEMA trailers. Our house was shaking. Can you just imagine what it must have been like for people in the FEMA trailers??? Those are made out of tin!! Thin nylon of the tents??? Come on. That could NOT have been a fun morning. I was lucky. For more reasons than one. When my alarm went off at 6:00, I wanted to curse it. I didn't however. We had no power. If I hadn't had my alarm set on my cell phone? I would quite possibly still be asleep. I had to make sure one of my housemates was up when I left. She is the last one to leave the house and we didn't want her to miss classes. So I am sitting here, with no makeup on and I realized after my shower that there was no way to blow dry my hair. I do have to admit I was hoping power was out at work and I did consider for about 5 minutes, not coming to work and telling them I overslept due to no power. I really hope its back up when I get home. I was talking to one of my coworkers and he said a few small tornadoes had touched down. At least that is what he heard.
  • Some little damn bug bit me at some point last night. At the base of my left hand pinky, almost in between the pinky and ring finger, there is a nice big red bump that itches all to hell. I can't stop itching it and it now kinda burns.
  • And I swear to god I just smelled toast. I really hope someone upstairs was making toast and I am not about to have a stroke. ;)


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