
The crazy life I now live in New Orleans, LA

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Location: New Orleans, LA

Friday, July 14, 2006


I, like so many people in the world are glad that it is Friday. I am not sure what the weekend holds, however I am sure some time with my good friend Tivo will be had. I will probably be doing some wrecking with AWK, at least try. My back is STILL bugging me. Thankfully not as bad as before. But enough that I am still taking the pain meds. I haven't yet today....going to try without. Sitting isn't a good thing I have discovered. I need some more back support, I have to start bringing a pillow with me. That will be hot. Me carrying around a pillow everywhere.

I just need to make it through the day. I am covering the phones right now and its definetly been quiet. I was here an hour earlier than usual so I could get some stuff done before comind down to be on the phones....so I feel like the day should be half over already. Its not. Oh well.....at least I get to listen to WWOZ today!!


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