
The crazy life I now live in New Orleans, LA

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Location: New Orleans, LA

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Bitter Baby

I couldn't sleep very well last night. Why you ask? It could have been the beer flowing through my veins but in reality? It was because of Entergy. Let me explain. I paid the bill in late June when it was due. Come July, around the time it was due again, I realized that I had not received the bill. So I call, and find out that my balance is zero. Cool I think. I request a bill to be sent to me. Last week I received it. It was the same one I paid in June. Then on Monday? I got the bill. I opened it up and knew it was going to be a large amount because they were going to be charging us for 2 months. It was roughly $273. Okay that is about right for two months. Except it WAS FOR ONE MONTH. It was an estimated reading. We are all a little miffed because we are very energy aware at our house. The AC is set for 81. That is warm people. We have been using the same if not less energy in the house the past few months. Heck we were one less person for awhile. Normally we average about $90. So we have what tripled that? I don't think so. This bill is due on 8/22. Then last night? When I got home? There was another bill from Entergy due on 8/23 and this total is over $500. Now its the two months combined. I just can't understand how it can be so high. Again its an estimated reading. I know Entergy has been ripping people off left and right since the storm. How can they be almost bankrupt when they are doing that??? Oh yeah, the money is most likely going in higher ups pockets. Bastards.

It really ruined my good mood from last night.


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