
The crazy life I now live in New Orleans, LA

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Location: New Orleans, LA

Friday, September 22, 2006


On my first trip home after the "thing" the only place to have live music that weekend, Oct 15th, was Angeli's. There were only a handful of people, James Andrews was sitting in with the band. At the time it was pretty much the Jazz Vipers. Since coming home, I have gone there several times to hear music and eat some good food. Today, on I received this (via myspace):

Hey everybody-after receiving minor noise complaints, two bars that started doing live music in Oct. after the storm have been told to cease because they do not have a music permit, thus depriving about 25 musicians of jobs. Angeli's on Decatur started having music for the first time 7 nights a week 6 weeks after katrina. Vaughan's in the bywater added three more days to their music schedule. Both have been told to stop immediately, no grace period to get the highly elusive "music permit". There are many other clubs that are in the same situation and face being told to stop having live music.In a city where music is so cherished, one would think the govt. here would do what they could to keep a viable scene happening, especially in the light that so many musicians have left after the storm and have no intention of coming back.So please write your councilperson,mayor,radio stations,tv stations,newpapers to try and reverse this trend. If musicians can't make a living here with all the angst that is part of New Orleans now, a lot of us will go to. Thanks,Washboard Chaz

What in the world? First of all....who in their right mind would complain about live music in New Orleans??? Guess what? If you moved into a neighborhood where there are clubs? Its your own damn fault. These places have been there LONG before you and will be/should be there LONG after you. Get used to it. Music makes up a huge part of New Orleans. Not just the music itself, but the people who play the music. 25 people are now out of jobs on those nights. Some may think big deal...well it is a HUGE deal when this is your profession. This just boggles my mind. Can you imagine NOLA without music? Just take a minute and try to imagine that. It isn't possible to imagine. Please if you can do something to help reverse this? Then do so. It is just a few phone calls...a few letters.....we can change this!!

And if you don't like the live music? What the hell are you doing here???


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