
The crazy life I now live in New Orleans, LA

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Location: New Orleans, LA

Friday, September 28, 2007


Last night we had a delivery of things for Aubrey's visit. A pac-n-play and a little bouncy chair. There is a company you can use when out travelling with your kids called Baby's Away. It is a company that rents all kind of items that you may need, but don't have room to take or don't want to lug onto a plane.

My cat has decided that the two items that are now in the house? Are for her. I crawled into bed, the pac-n-play is set up right next to it, as Lisa and Scott will be using my room while in town. Liza crawled into the pac-n-play and started checking it out. She even laid in it for a bit. Eventually she crawled out. She later decided it was a good hiding place when her and Max are playing. She would come tearing into my bedroom and vault off my stomach into the pac-n-play. Apparently when she got tired of that? She curled up in the bouncy chair and took a snooze. Can't wait to see what she does once the baby is here.


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