
The crazy life I now live in New Orleans, LA

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Location: New Orleans, LA

Friday, February 15, 2008

Kinda Quiet

Honestly? I wanted to keep the youtube post up on top for as long as possible. I am awfully proud of my boys. I know that they were riding high that night and most likely still are. They are in Little Rock, AR tonight playing a gig and my Aunt Tonie is heading out to see them. I haven't seen her since my sister's wedding in Vegas. 11 years ago....tomorrow. So yeah...Happy Anniversary Lisa and Scott!! (send me pictures of my niece please) ;) Anyway I contacted my Aunt this week and let her know the boys were coming to town. We had a nice long chat yesterday and today she called me to tell me that she was going. I hope she has a lot of fun, she was listening to them online and seemed to enjoy it!! :)

Second reason for not posting most of the week? Well I haven't done much. I have been laying low and trying to rest. However, when you really really just want to relax and sleep, it doesn't seem to happen. I haven't gotten to bed before midnight all week. Again that alarm clock goes off awfully early when you have to work at 6:30 and you didn't go to sleep until after 12. Last night I did journey on out to d.b.a to see Paul Sanchez do his weekly Feb gig there. He had Susan Cowsill sitting in with him and it was another fantastic night of music. They have SO much fun with each other and love each other's music that it just feeds out to everyone. I did have to say it was a first when hearing Paul's Neil Diamond impression. So after a nice hour and half nap I am getting ready to head to home away from home. Honestly? If I didn't feel like I was avoiding my friend and Friday night bartender Jeff? I wouldn't be going tonight and would be sound asleep.


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