
The crazy life I now live in New Orleans, LA

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Location: New Orleans, LA

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Too Darn Hot

In my room. So last night I am chilling, reading a book had the TV on for background noise and I fell asleep. Like at around oh I don't know 7??? I woke up off and on and finally got off the couch at 9 to go to bed. I went into my room, and it was warm in there.....I laid on the bed....just laid there for several hours. HOT. I finally dozed off around midnight....only to have my cat decide at around 3 to crawl all over me, snuggle and meow and anything else she could do to get me to wake up. I threw some food in her bowl and that didn't help. My alarm went off at 6 and I was ready to hurt someone. Its gonna be cooler today, I hope. We may have to break down and turn on the air soon. I don't want to. I am cheap. But damn, sleep would be good.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Try turning it on just for a couple of hours in the evening to "cool off the house" then turn it off..maybe if it's just nice enough to fall esleep, then you won't wake up if it happens to get warmer inside late night. -kristy

9:09 AM  
Blogger boneramafreak said...

Read again the part about me being cheap. That and so are my roomies....we are enjoying the $60 energy bills. (that is total not apiece) I will go buy more fans. ;)

11:02 AM  

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