
The crazy life I now live in New Orleans, LA

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Location: New Orleans, LA

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

This and That

Today I have my eye appointment. I am hoping that the doctor just says that he needs to laser any holes in the retina closed, which he does in office at the time of the visit. Hope, pray and send good mojo that I don't need another surgery!! It is a fear everytime I go to this doctor.

On a more positive, fun note. (to keep myself distracted) here are some funny/happy things that have happened.

  • Sunday I was waiting for the bus across the street from Walgreens on Carrollton. There are a few trees and in those trees there were about 5 billion birds. I was leaving a voicemail for Kristy and pretty much the whole thing was "shit, a bird just shit on me. On my pants. Shit, another one just did the same thing...in my hair....now my shoulder." I don't know if I actually said anything beyond the bird shit count. Isn't that suppose to be good luck??? It was actually quite amusing....after I showered.
  • Yesterday morning I got in my co-workers car and she said your hair is white. Yes my hair had frozen. I had gone outside with wet hair (never seem to run on time) and it was FREEZING outside. The short wait I had for her to show up, froze my hair. Which would partially explain why it looked like hell yesterday. However I never thought my hair would freeze down here!!
  • Last night as I finished up my book, and watched "How I Met Your Mother" (funniest...ending...EVER) Maxwell (Kristen's cat) decided the best place to lay was on my lap. He has been doing that lately...this did not make my cat pleased....so later she curled up UNDER the blanket. I woke up around 3 this morning in my bedroom and both cats were curled up on my bed...on top of me. I am not going to freeze at night if they keep this up!! :)
  • Happy Birthday goes out to one of the sweetest, hardest working musicians in NOLA....someone who I am lucky enough to call my friend, Mr. Craig Klein!!!


Blogger Ray said...

Sunday you get shit on by a whole flock of birds and Monday when somebody notices your hair is white, you say, "Oh, it's frozen!"


3:33 PM  

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