
The crazy life I now live in New Orleans, LA

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Location: New Orleans, LA

Thursday, November 16, 2006


Yesterday afternoon while on the bus ride home, I started to get a eye ache. Almost like a sinus headache but centered all in my left eye. Sharp, deep aches. Lasting no more than 20 seconds. All night it did this....off and on. It is still happening this morning. For those of you that don't know, almost 3 years ago, I had a retinal detachment in my left eye. I had a surgery to reattach my retina so I would not go blind. My right eye has holes in the retina. I go every so often to the eye doctor and he will laser the holes that appear close. In both eyes. I have a feeling that I either have a serious hole or another detachment. I know I have been seeing the flashes of light lately, so there are at least holes. I should have gone sooner to the eye doc, however I always think (wrongly of course but I can't help it) that if I don't go, I can't hear the bad news therefore nothing is wrong. It doesn't really work that way does it? I have no idea if the doc I do go to is even back in town. yes it has been that long. I have the number and will be calling later this morning for an appointment. Think good mojo or whatever that its just holes and not a detachement.....I don't want to go through surgery again.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Or try to get seen out here..Lisa

9:23 AM  

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