
The crazy life I now live in New Orleans, LA

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Location: New Orleans, LA

Thursday, June 02, 2005


On top of all the normal PMS suckiness...I am stressed to no end right now. So I have been tittering on the edge of tears all day. Its really really bad when other people notice it. Jim almost sent me over the edge earlier when he was snapping at me. Really, is it my fault that the IT guy didn't tell me that Jim wanted more computers added to another order and the IT guy didn't tell me? Anyway. He is being much better now. I think he realized that it wasn't my fault. He has kept me busy most of the morning with various other projects that have gone smoothly so that helps.

I am stressed about finding that 3rd roomie. or my 2nd roomie...not sure how that works out. We have 2 people coming by today to look, and one, this is her second trip to see the place so that is promising. But in the meantime I am completly freaked out about it. And the lack of response I have gotten since reposting on craigslist yesterday. Normally there is a rush of response, and I have gotten one. For someone who wants to move in August. I really really really hope and pray that someone takes the place in the next few days and moves in like...next week. I can't afford to wait for someone. And that is my other stress point right now. I am mad at myself that I bought all those CDs I listed yesterday...because I could really use that money right now. With trying to cover the rent for June...I have $24 until June 15th. Seriously. I don't have enough money to put more time on my cell phone right now. I need to get some food to eat. I have a box of pasta left. Although since eating doesn't sound good right now..that may not be a problem. Luckily the things I have done this week have been free (seeing BTE and CM). I am going to have to something that I haven't done in awhile and it makes me sick and embarrassed to have to do it. I am gonna have to call mom and dad and ask to borrow money. I haven't done that since college. But after I get food...I am not sure if I will have enough money to get on the streetcar and/or bus for the next week and a half. After the 15th things should be just fine again....provided that I have a roomie that moves in really really soon. Otherwise I will be living in a cardboard box come August. I want to go and stick my head in the sand.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hang in there, things will turn around! Maybe a night or two at Big Daddy's will bring in some extra $$$ ?

Sorry, just trying to make you chuckle....

3:13 PM  

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