
The crazy life I now live in New Orleans, LA

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Location: New Orleans, LA

Thursday, May 26, 2005

Who knew there where that many trombonists in the world?

I pretty much ran out of here at 5:00 yesterday. "Free at last!" Got a lot of interesting looks from the "Got Bone" T-shirt. I met Phil in the hotel bar where we chatted and had a beer. Phil is full of a ton of ideas and I am very excited to see them put into action. Not only just for Bonerama merchandise, but for the website as well. We had the taxi take us to the Boot which is right off the Tulane campus. We were figuring out where to go exactly when who do we see walking towards us? Brian, Matt, and Bert! They had just finished soundcheck and were walking over to grab some pizza before the gig. We started chatting for a few minutes, and along came Eric and Steve. Practically the whole band. They told us where to go, after we told them we couldn't join them for a slice. We had to go sell merch man!! We found the green room area where the guys had their stuff stashed, then out to scope out where we would sell the merch. They were playing an actual theatre. Definetly not the norm. We set the merch table up in the lobby. I was sad for about a minute when I realized that I wouldn't actually get to "see" them play. However I soon got over that. As we started setting up, people started flocking over. We soon had a line of people to sign up on the mailing list, and lots of money was exchanging hands. There were no worries about hearing the guys at all. They started playing and nearly tore the roof off!! A lot of the people that I talked to said that the Bonerama show what they were looking most forward too for the whole conference. We had a few more things to sell as well. Matt brought out a few copies of Ambassadors of New Orleans which I actually finally bought a copy of last night. Steve brought out a book he had put together of breathing techniques as well as how to rehearse. Both Phil and I would take quick turns peeking into the packed theatre, it was a little odd for me. Everyone was sitting. How in the world they were sitting during "Shake Your Rugalator" is way beyond me. Luckily Steve's girlfriend came over and danced with me in the back and we were thisclose to running up front to dance. We totally should have. They played two sets and during the break it was a contolled chaos at the merch table. After the show more of the same. Anna got the chance to meet the guys, and said she LOVED them. Again..how could you not? Mark is in trouble because he didn't play my request. ;) Overall it was a fantastic show, even without the dancing. It was probably the most attentive audience they have ever had. After we had packed up everything, we loaded up various cars and then drove it all over to Loyola (right next to Tulane) and unloaded so they would be ready to go for this mornings clinic.

Which I did get to attend. Kinda. We were again set up outside the room, and as soon as we pulled out something that said "Bonerama" there was a line. It was so cool. We could hear strains of "Crosstown Traffic" and then it was quiet. Wasn't sure what they were exactly doing in there, but I found out later, David who does most of their sound for the shows told me that they played the song. They had up on a screen the music for the song (except for the solos) they then talked about the process of arranging the song. They took questions. Then they played another tune, and were done. Again more streaming masses of people at the merch table. We ended up doing the biggest merch sales in these two days, than we have done in one night at a club. Of course it was a trombone conference and the people were there to buy. And they loved, loved, loved the sound of the band. I then ran back to work. I am so happy with how it went, and am so excited for how things are moving along for the band. I wish I could go to Little Rock and help out, one day that could be in the picture, but not quite there yet.

Tonight is the "date" I don't know how late I am gonna last.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wahoo! Glad it was a smashing success!!!! How cool that you got to be there for it all!!!!

2:05 PM  

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