
The crazy life I now live in New Orleans, LA

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Location: New Orleans, LA

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

A head of the game?

I wrote out my Christmas cards last night. ALL of them. And I am putting them in the mail today or tomorrow. Since last year I didn't send that many out, I am proud of myself. I brought them to work with me today, so I could send them out. However, the thought of walking to the PO right now just isn't appealling. I just want to go and get food. The walk up and back to the PO by work takes up my whole half hour lunch. And parking is non exsistant in that area....its in Lafayette Square....I am just feeling lazy today. Because I really don't want to go anywhere for lunch. But I didn't bring anyfood. So I kinda gotta go get food. I am a whiny mood today. The day started out fine, but when I got here, one of my co-workers was on my computer, she has a computer in the back but its not hooked up to the internet/server. So for 2 1/2 hours this morning I sat here and stared at the walls. She even kept grabbing the phone before I could get to it. I mean really....what was the point of me coming in on time if all I was going to do was sit there. Yeah I was getting paid to sit there, so I shouldn't complain, but seriously 2 1/2 hours??? There are several people out today and why she couldn't use their computers is beyond me. Oh I know why....she doesn't like it back in the shop areas. Oh well. Whatcha gonna do?


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