
The crazy life I now live in New Orleans, LA

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Location: New Orleans, LA

Thursday, February 10, 2005

Since I typed it all out on connick.com I thought I would put the MG tales here too. I have been here now for 6 months. Realized that on Saturday when talking to Joe, Henry and Andrea!
Thursday night kicked off the fun and exciting times. I went home to get some warm clothes and then back out to the parades. I decided to take the streetcar up to Napoleon, where it stops when the parades roll. I was trying to get there in time for the first parade, however when I got there the last float was rounding the corner onto St. Charles. Float #21. My co-worker was on float #10. So I started walking. I caught up to it pretty quickly, but couldn't get his attention. I decided since I was almost to work at that point to go up there. Its actually about 2 miles from where I started walking to where I ended. Out by my office, and by the time I got there, the parade was just passing. Of the first parade. The first float. I walked the whole length of the parade!!! We had fun with the first parade, my co-worker and I caught a ton o beads from our co-worker who was riding. We were able to get his attention this time, thanks to John Gros who has a very loud yelling voice. The next parade was actually kinda boring....so Kelly, Adam and I decorated Eric's office with all the beads he rained down on us. After the parades, I got a call from Lisa! Her and Mike were on their way from the airport. So I ran up to meet them, they had some dinner and we chatted a bit. While we were waiting for the street car to come by so I could go home, this very nice, innocent girl walked up to us and said "Pardon me for the interuption, but where the f**k is Bourbon street??" One of the funniest things I heard all weekend. The next day was Friday, and I got to sleep in!! I met Lisa and Mike for lunch at Voo Doo BBQ, then we walked back to the Quarter. Various little parades were going on, and this one went by on Royal Street in the mule-drawn carriges. We were thinking, "who are all these people?" and this guy that looked vaguely familiar, tossed some cups straight to Mike (who really did attract lots of attention with the cowboy hat) and right as they were moving down the street...I realized who it was! It was Thom for Queer Eye!!! It was actually all the celebs riding in Endymion (Gene Simmons, Thom, Marisa, Willie Garson (stanford from Sex and the City), and Sean Williams Scott) but all I saw was Thom....Lisa and I took off running down the street to try to catch up, but they were turning onto Canal. It was awesome. We then went and saw Tracy and Christine who had just arrived. We all then wandered around a bit, and then Tracy and Christine went to go eat. I then decided to take Lisa and Mike to my favorite bar. We were there for awhile, and that is where Tracy, Christine, Dia, Randy and their krewe all met us. We then took "the worlds longest walk" (according to some) back to my office to watch the parades. It was a crazy fun night as ALL my co-workers were out there too. They had a party upstairs then all came down for the parades. Some of the girls witnessed me getting fired, rehired, fired, and rehired. After the first parade rolled through we all kind of seperated. Tracy and I walked up to HOB where we saw John Gros play the big room, then back out to Ugly Dog Saloon to see Gayle and Hank. Lisa, Mike and Christine were already there. Saturday was spent cleaning my apartment like a mad lady, picking up Donna at the airport, then driving around for an hour 45 mins waiting for Andrea's plane to arrive. LOL After we got back to my place, Sam showed up and we all went up to the Endymion parade. We didn't actually stay for the whole parade as it started rolling past us a 4:45 pm and as of 7:15 only float 7 was passing us. They delayed the parade for an hour and a half (on top of the break downs) cuz they couldn't get into the Superdome until 9. So a group of us headed back to my house where we ate king cake, played with my kitty Liza and gabbed. Around midnight the party broke up, Andrea and I met up with Joe and Henry at Howlin Wolf to catch the PGF set. It was great to meet up with them and get to hear some fantastic funky NOLA music. Sunday was spent, eating, walking, shopping and then off to Gayle and Hank's for their wonderful open house and of course a litte Super Bowl viewing. We all then ran down to the Riverwalk area to watch Bacchus roll through. Either Carrie or Lisa made the mistake of telling me how the night before this lady kept yelling "Ya know your sassy" to the bands. Well I started doing it. Every band. I think Hank started yelling it at one point. It would crack up some of the colorguard's. We were right at the end where the parade rolled into the convention center, and by the time it got there Sean Austin who was on the first float was in a "good mood" He had a big ole wine goblet and just kept yelling into the mic "Bacchus loves you" I don't think he threw anything. However Randy later gave me a doubloon that he may have thrown. The day of the ball arrived!!! We decided to head down early enough to get some good parking. Andrea, Donna, Adam and Carrie all had to get their tickets from will call so we headed first to the convention center. We then had lunch next door to the Howlin Wolf. This was the point that I decided that I was not going to stay to see CM. There was a good crowd there already (around 1) and they weren't playing till 4 or 4:30. I just couldn't see doing that and getting to the ball in time to see Bonerama. A few of us hung out for the press conference it was cool to see BTE, Sawyer Brown, and Toby Keith up close..oh and Harry's dad!! Lisa and I swear that Toby kept looking in our direction because he thought Mike was Kenny Chesney. Then it was time to get ready for the ball. Lisa, Mike, Tracy and I were there about 6:30ish and the lines were long to get in already. I kid you not, the second we handed our tickets to the people at the door....Bonerama started playing. You should have seen us run to our tables and throw our stuff down and then up to the stage!!! It was pretty darn funny. They sounded awesome, incredible, and down right fantastic. It was so awesome to see them up on that stage!!! Their hour flew by way to fast!!! After they were done, most everyone from connick.com was there, so we all started hanging out by the tables and getting ready for the parade to roll through. There is nothing like seeing 5000 people in ball gowns and tuxes screaming for beads!!! Gayle and Hank didn't see us until after they passed, but we did get to see them after they got to their table. Sawyer Brown took to the stage right after the parade, and I ran up front for a few songs. They were entergetic as usual, just a fun addition. BTE came up after Earl Turner and they too were fantastic. A certain Toby Keith....well he never made it up on stage to play. I hear it was cuz he was too drunk. They had also started announcing that Sammy Hagar was there and would be playing with Toby....we never saw him either. Oh well.....I still had a great time, dancing, singing, drinkin and playin. It was about 5 AM when we got back to my place. I slept for about 2 hours......Then it was time to head out the door and get over to Lisa's room to get ready for St. Anne. We were a little worried because they told us 10, and when we got there right before 10, there were no signs of Craig or Leroy...we thought they were gonna leave without them!!! Finally we saw Craig...and I couldn't stop laughing!!!! pink tutu and a pink sparkly vest. It was very cute!!! Leroy did wear the same costume, however it was the last year. There seemed to be so many more people there than the first year we did this! It was cool. When Lisa and Tracy realized that the parade was going by their hotel, we took off ahead of everyone and watched them pass from the balcony. The sight of all these people coming down Charters was sooooo cool!! It was about then that we decided showers changing and napping were a good idea. However it took me from 1:30ish until 4:30ish to get home. I walked and walked and walked looking for an empty cab.....it was insane. After a quick nap, I headed back to the quarter where we tossed beads and went and saw some of the Bourbon Street craziness. I thought it was good that I found a cab without an hour wait....however the cabbie was falling asleep when he was driving me home...I think he was drunk. It was super scary. At least when I was falling asleep on the street car this morning, I wasn't driving!!! Every leg and foot muscle aches, I have no voice, and am super tired it is is more than worth it. It was sooooo great to see everyone who came down!!! And to meet some new people!!! Rebecca (sassyassy) and her hubby are soooooo nice!!!! I think next year will be just as good. ut at connick.com I thought I would just cut and paste the MG adventures here.


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